Let’s take a minute to break down a few things about the Human Condition to assist with all the previous blog posts I have written so far. First, we are multidimensional creatures who need a strong base to stand strong. I like to break these into four unique pillars, if one is lacking I will survive, but if two aren’t healthy then like a table missing two legs I will begin to collapse or crumble. Secondly, we need a code, a list of “what/how” to plan all our actions. These can be anything and people throw the terms morals, ethics, & virtues around, but a firm list of virtues to live by is the starting point before you can evaluate your moral compass. Below I have broken down the pillars and the Four Cardinal Virtues of Stoicism that I try to practice in my own life. Lastly, I have provided you a list of potential self-improvement processes for strengthening your own pillars.

Pillar I– Physical self
This is our physical health and wellbeing. This covers medical issues, fitness, oral hygiene, food, water, air, shelter
Pillar II– Emotional self
This is our mental health, our thinking, our emotions, our irrational demands and expectations as well as our standards for ourselves and others
Pillar III– Social self
This is our friend and family groups and how we fit into them
Pillar IV– Spiritual self
This is our faith or place in the universe. I don’t judge anyone’s beliefs, but having a strong bond with a spiritual side keeps the ego in check.

To know what is in my control and what is not!
“The wise man is neither raised up by prosperity nor cast down by adversity; for always he has striven to rely predominantly on himself, and to derive all joy from himself.”
To apply temperance in all desire, to create aversion in all things destructive
“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
To do the right thing, even in the face of adversity
“If it’s endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining.”
To apply equal judgement of all things including myself and others
“Live out your life in truth and justice, tolerant of those who are neither true nor just.”

Now that you have seen the basic layout of these pillars and virtues let’s talk about the routine from a few weeks ago and the effort based measurements as well. If we build a routine based on doing one thing in each pillar each day and then measure our effort towards completing them we can see how these concepts can directly translate to success in our personal and even professional lives. So let’s break down some options
Physical Self (15-20 min daily)
Exercise, lift weights, get your doctor appointments done, get to the dentist, wash your clothes, clean your home, organize your office, take a walk, stretch, yoga, breathing exercises
Emotional Self (5-15 min daily)
Journal, seek therapy, do art, read self-help, read self-improvement, share with someone, meditate, get in nature, breathing exercises
Social Self (1 min-1 hr daily)
Find time to text a friend, call family, facetime loved ones, set time aside to connect with children and elderly, attend groups, play intermural sports, go out with friends/spouse/kids/family and do something fun
Spiritual Self (10 min-30 min daily)
Go to church, read a bible, spend time in nature, meditate, prayer, consider the vastness of space and the beauty of its expanse.
That’s a minimal effort of 31 minutes a day….we all have that in our schedule, so build a plan and get busy, but whatever the plan make sure you do it with your Virtues in mind! If you begin today to add this to the routine we talked about before and then consider the effectiveness or your efforts we can begin to measure true growth in ourselves and this will translate to all other areas of your life over time with consistency.